
Cáritas Coimbra disseminates GrowMeUp on EIP-AHA meeting

Cáritas Coimbra disseminates GrowMeUp on EIP-AHA meeting

Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra participated in the first meeting of the new group of Coordinators of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP-AHA), last September 14, in Brussels.

Caritas Coimbra elected two Coordinators for the D4 group Environments friends of all ages – Carina Dantas as Main Coordinator and Ana Luisa Jegundo as Stand-In Coordinator – who have started the preparation of the Innovation and Collaboration Plan D4 on Age-friendly buildings, cities and environments 2016-2018.

Over the next three years, Caritas Coimbra will contribute more specifically to the Collaborative Work Connect and Leverage Local and Regional age-friendly environments, helping to map and network local and regional initiatives across Europe, towards the sharing of best practices and its spread and scale-up.

This work will also be supported by the European Covenant on Change Demographic, in which Caritas Coimbra is also represented, as Vice-President (Carina Dantas).

Benefiting from the network of relevant people and organisations present in the meeting, Cáritas Coimbra distributed GrowMeUp brochures and informally presented the project to many of the participants, describing the main objectives and aims of GrowMu towards promotion of a more Active and Healthy Ageing.


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A Cáritas Portuguesa é um serviço da Conferência Episcopal Portuguesa. É membro da Cáritas Internationalis, da Cáritas Europa, da Confederação Nacional das Instituições de Solidariedade, da Confederação Portuguesa do Voluntariado, da Plataforma Portuguesa das ONGD e do Fórum Não Governamental para a Inclusão Social.

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