
Cáritas Coimbra present in “Movimento Mais Para Todos”

Cáritas Coimbra present in “Movimento Mais Para Todos”

Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra participated, on November 15th, at the Conference “Mais para Todos” (More for All), in Coimbra, presenting the contribuition of the organization for Local Development.

From the institution’s flagship projects – such as IdoVis or GrowMeUp – to reflections on the essential principles for the promotion of community-based development, Carina Dantas presented the institutional strategy in this area and answered questions about financing, fundraising and communication.

This Conference is part of the Roadshow of the “Movimento Mais Para Todos” (More for All Movement), whose objective is to alert and to educate the communities to social responsability and sustainable development issues, traveling to 18 cities in portuguese territory.

In each of them, conferences, round tables, debates and health screenings are being held for three days. The various sessions allow institutions to be trained with management, organization and communication tools, free of charge. The Roadshow also includes actions to raise awareness among the community, namely schools and public bodies, seeking to encourage responsible choices and healthier lifestyles through free screening of health diagnosis to the population.



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A Cáritas Portuguesa é um serviço da Conferência Episcopal Portuguesa. É membro da Cáritas Internationalis, da Cáritas Europa, da Confederação Nacional das Instituições de Solidariedade, da Confederação Portuguesa do Voluntariado, da Plataforma Portuguesa das ONGD e do Fórum Não Governamental para a Inclusão Social.

Cáritas em Portugal


Rua D. Francisco de Almeida, n 14
3030-382 Coimbra, Portugal

239 792 430 (Sede) – Chamada para rede fixa nacional

966 825 595 (Sede) – Chamada para rede móvel nacional

239 792 440 (Clínica) – Chamada para rede fixa nacional

NIF: 501 082 174



Comunicação Institucional