
Cáritas Coimbra presented project GrowMeUp in the International Conference Building the Future of Health

Cáritas Coimbra presented project GrowMeUp in the International Conference Building the Future of Health

Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra participated as speaker in the International Conference Building the Future of Health, in Groningen (Netherlands), on june 2nd.
The conference that took place between 1-4 june, distinguished three tracks in which various relevant aspects were discussed: Healthy Cities and the Built Environment, Ageing in Place and The Architecture of Hospitals. In addition, a fourth track was presented in which the wider context of Healthy Ageing was explored.

In a joint session of the European Covenant for Demographic Change and the World Health Organization, Carina Dantas, from the Department of Innovation of Cáritas Coimbra, presented the GrowMeUp project, aligned with the institutional strategy for the promotion of a more active and healthy ageing.

In this presentation, Caritas highlighted the innovative and relevant aspects of GrowMeUp project (co-funded by H2020 and led by the University of Coimbra) on a technological level, and also in the way its consortium works, enhancing the active participation of research, market and end-users/caregivers in the various stages of the system development.
Departing from here, it was also discussed the societal challenges facing Europe and the need to rethink solutions for the elderly, investing in holistic solutions in order to a life-course action.

New technologies for the elderly that improve their quality of life and promote active ageing have been one of Caritas Coimbra points of interest in order to respond to the challenges of demographic change in an innovative and socially relevant way.

Due to the conviction that the best solutions come about by exchanging knowledge and skills, the conference was of a highly interdisciplinary nature. For four days, it offered an inspiring environment in which architects, urban planners, landscape architects, medical researchers, environmental planners, policymakers, administrators, doctors, sociologists, (local) politicians and authorities, demographers and representatives from various other disciplines in the field of public health met, learned, discussed and shared solutions.



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