GrowMeUp project in the Job and Training Fair
GrowMeUp project in the Job and Training Fair
Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra attended the Job and Training Fair, held at ITAP vocational school, on the 7th and 8th October. In addition to the exhibit of Cáritas Coimbra main areas of activity and employment opportunities, the GrowMeUp project was presented and disseminated.
The GrowMeUp project, a technological project aimed to improve and test an innovative robot, GrowMu, that will support people over 65 years in their daily activities, attracted the attention of the fair visitors who wanted to learn more about its concept and development.
This project is co-financed by the European Union, under Horizon 2020 funding program, involving eight partners from six different countries, led by the University of Coimbra (in addition to UC and Caritas Coimbra, the participants are the University of Geneva, Zuyderland, the University of Cyprus, PAL Robotics, ProBayes and Citard iT Services) that are cooperating in developing the system.
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