
Caritas Coimbra discusses strategies in Brussels | European Covenant on Demographic Change

Caritas Coimbra discusses strategies in Brussels | European Covenant on Demographic Change

Caritas Coimbra was present for 2 days in Brussels in the Committee of the Regions for the Conference “How to improve the quality of life and services for the ageing of the population?” and in the General Assembly of the European Covenant on Demographic Change.

On May 18, 2017, Caritas Coimbra participated in the Conference “Innovation in care” with a communication presented by Carina Dantas as keynote speaker, in the panel “Improve smart city strategies for an ageing city”.

The panel addressed the pressure and changes in health and social services due to the growing demand for current social challenges: demographic change, unemployment, poverty, social exclusion and integration. To address these challenges, policy-makers, regional and local authorities, the public and private sectors need to design innovative, integrated and inclusive policies to improve the quality of life of growing urban aging.
Ways of enhancing innovation and practices for promoting people-centered approaches that deliver real and effective benefits in the context of urban aging from a lifelong perspective were discussed in a round-table discussion with the audience.

Caritas Coimbra was also present at the first General Assembly of the European Convenant on Demographic Change, represented by its Vice-President Carina Dantas and two members of the Assembly, Ana Jegundo and Pedro Balhau.

The activities carried out in the previous year and the strategy for the next working period were presented, as well as the ways in which financing for the future and the services to members are discussed. The Covenant is a European network aimed at bringing together all local, regional and national authorities and other stakeholders who are committed to cooperating and implementing evidence-based solutions to support active and healthy ageing as a comprehensive response to the demographic challenge of Europe, already with more than 150 active members. 


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A Cáritas Portuguesa é um serviço da Conferência Episcopal Portuguesa. É membro da Cáritas Internationalis, da Cáritas Europa, da Confederação Nacional das Instituições de Solidariedade, da Confederação Portuguesa do Voluntariado, da Plataforma Portuguesa das ONGD e do Fórum Não Governamental para a Inclusão Social.

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