
Euronews reports on GrowMeUp in Cáritas Coimbra

Euronews reports on GrowMeUp in Cáritas Coimbra

“I”Isabel Neto is 79 years old and has a new home companion: a robot from the GrowMeUp project, created to help improve the quality of life for the older persons who live alone. Futuris went to Coimbra to meet him.

The idea is not to replace the services provided by humans, but to create a stimulating interaction that complements home care services. Isabel suffered a stroke ten years ago. Look forward to the help that this robot might offer you. “

See HERE the report



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Rua D. Francisco de Almeida, n 14
3030-382 Coimbra, Portugal

239 792 430 (Sede) – Chamada para rede fixa nacional

966 825 595 (Sede) – Chamada para rede móvel nacional

239 792 440 (Clínica) – Chamada para rede fixa nacional

NIF: 501 082 174



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