
Cáritas Coimbra presents GrowMeUp on the Journey for a Positive Ageing

Cáritas Coimbra presents GrowMeUp on the Journey for a Positive Ageing

Caritas Diocesana de Coimbra participated in the 1st APRe! Journey – For a Positive Ageing – which took place in Coimbra | Tertulia Events, last November 10.

Carina Dantas presented the GrowMeUp project, aligned with the institutional strategy of Cáritas Coimbra for an Active and Healthy Ageing, which is part of the 3rd panel, whose objective was to make known the Good Practices of the region.

In addition to the description of the project and its objectives, it was also mentioned the need for a greater participation of the elderly in the design of solutions for Ageing problems, so that these are adjusted to their real needs and do not exhaust themselves on temporary solutions and of short duration. The present public was extremely participatory and very receptive to new technologies, robotics and other innovative solutions.

GrowMeUp is a technology project whose main goal is to perfect and test an innovative robot, GrowMu, that will support people over 65 in their daily activities. This project is co-financed by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 funding program. Eight partners from six different countries, led by the University of Coimbra, are involved and will cooperate in the development of the system.

The organization of the event by the APRe! Was exemplary, culminating in a space of debate with much interest for professionals and for other interested parts.


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Rua D. Francisco de Almeida, n 14
3030-382 Coimbra, Portugal

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