
CDC in english


Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra is a non-profit organisation (Private Institution of Social Solidarity) that supports people and communities in 5 districts of the Central Region of Portugal, in the areas of health, education, social and pastoral care.

Cáritas de Coimbra has nearly 90 centres (with 149 different responses) in Coimbra´s Diocese, supporting more than 25.000 people/year. For this purpose Caritas Coimbra has about 1000 employees and 150 volunteers.

Intervention areas: Education; Health; Social Support; Family and Community; Children and Youth at Risk; Elderly; HIV/AIDS; Addiction; Homelessness; Community Intervention; Training; Summer camps and Social Tourism.

This work is annually organized by sector of activity or area of expertise, creating joint plans for each scope of the intervention and the different directors in each area meet regularly to coordinate their activities and guidelines. Employees working in the different areas of intervention are people with many years of professional experience and specific training.





presentation on SOCIAL INNOVATION



Cáritas de Coimbra supports senior citizens for several decades, with 13 day care centres, 18 home care services, 5 nursing homes, 1 chronic disability / impairment home, 2 long term care units, 1 medical and rehabilitation clinic and 1 summer camp for senior citizens – overall Cáritas supports about 3500 elderly in these services, plus around 4000 people in the medical and rehabilitation clinic (at least half of which are elders).



Cáritas de Coimbra develops work connected to the support of disadvantaged people for several decades, with 1 social support centre, 1 social integration income program, 2 social canteens; 1 therapeutic community, 1 day care centre, 2 street teams and a social rehabilitation apartment for people with drug abuse problems, 1 support centre for people with HIV, 1 temporary accommodation centre for homeless people, 2 community centres, 1 reintegration community for women (with or without children). Overall, in this area alone, Cáritas supports about 6000 / 7000 people each year.



Cáritas de Coimbra promotes education and support to children and youngsters since the 1970’s, with 5 day care centres, 3 kindergarten; 48 leisure activities centres; 1 youth care home, 1 children at risk care home, 1 youth summer camp; 1 team for drugs and sexuality prevention and cross-curricular enrichment activities, involving, overall near 11.000 people each year.







Caritas Coimbra launches project CRIARTE – with CEARTE, APCC and FPCE-UC

Cáritas Coimbra launched the pilot project IdoVis – Elderly Visitors of Other Elderly

Cáritas Coimbra presented project GrowMeUp in the International Conference Building the Future of Health

Cáritas Coimbra | International Conference Facing the challenge of an ageing population | Naples, Italy

Cáritas Coimbra presents Neighbourhoods of the Future in Brussels

Cáritas Coimbra with strong presence at the European Summit on Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing

Cáritas Coimbra presents vision at the European Summit for Innovation on AHA | Brussels, 5-8 Dec

Cáritas Coimbra present in “Movimento Mais Para Todos”

Cáritas Coimbra presents GrowMeUp on the Journey for a Positive Ageing

Cáritas Coimbra discusses Strategies for Age-Friendly Environments in Irelan

Cáritas Coimbra presents project GrowMeUp in Italy

Elderly from Caritas see GrowMu in study-visit to University of Coimbra

GrowMeUp Project present in Professional Ethics training

Cáritas Coimbra disseminates GrowMeUp project in H2020 Session which brought together over 100 participants

Cáritas Coimbra disseminates GrowMeUp on Expofacic

Cáritas Coimbra disseminates GrowMeUp on EIP-AHA meeting

GrowMeUp disseminated in the National Meeting of NGO of Health Promotion

GrowMeUp present in Social Service Journey of CHUC

GrowMeUp project in the Job and Training Fair

GrowMeUp project was presented to the Rotary Club Coimbra-Olivais

Cáritas Coimbra participated in a research on the stimulation of the elderly for physical activity

Public Presentation of the Manual of Good Practices for Prevention of Falls in Older People

Cáritas Coimbra was present at the UNECE Conference on Ageing

GrowMeUp Project presented at Fórum Solidão in Amarante

Cáritas Coimbra participated in the meeting of the European Innovation Partnership for Active and Healthy Ageing in Hamburg

Cáritas Coimbra at the COCIR Digital Health Summit in Brussels

Cáritas Coimbra attended the Annual Meeting of ECHAlliance

GrowMeUp promotes intergenerationality

GrowMeUp disseminated in the EIP on AHA Conference of Partners

Cáritas Coimbra participates in creative workshop in Brussels




Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra is a non-profit organisation (Private Institution of Social Solidarity) that supports people and communities in 5 districts of the Central Region of Portugal, in the areas of health, education, social and pastoral care.

Cáritas de Coimbra has nearly 90 centres (with 120 different responses) in Coimbra´s Diocese, supporting more than 20.000 people/year. For this purpose Caritas Coimbra has about 950 employees and 150 volunteers.

Intervention areas: Education; Health; Social Support; Family and Community; Children and Youth at Risk; Elderly; HIV/AIDS; Addiction; Homelessness; Community Intervention; Training; Summer camps and Social Tourism.

This work is annually organized by sector of activity or area of expertise, creating joint plans for the entire scope of the intervention with the elderly and the different directors in this area meet regularly to coordinate their activities and guidelines. Employees working in this area are people with many years of professional experience and specific training.


ELDERLY: Cáritas de Coimbra supports senior citizens for several decades, with 13 day care centres, 18 home care services, 3 nursing homes, 1 chronic disability / impairment home, 2 long term care units, 1 medical and rehabilitation clinic and 1 summer camp for senior citizens – overall Cáritas supports about 1100 elderly in these services, plus around 4000 people in the medical and rehabilitation clinic (at least half of which are elders).


SOCIAL INCLUSION: Cáritas de Coimbra develops work connected to the support of disadvantaged people for several decades, with 1 social support centre, 1 social integration income program, 2 social canteens; 1 therapeutic community, 1 day care centre, 2 street teams and a social rehabilitation apartment for people with drug abuse problems, 1 support centre for people with HIV, 1 temporary accommodation centre for homeless people, 2 community centres, 1 reintegration community for women (with or without children). Overall, in this area alone, Cáritas supports about 4000 / 4500 people each year.


CHILDREN AND YOUTH: Cáritas de Coimbra promotes education and support to children and youngsters since the 1970’s, with 4 day care centres, 2 kindergarten; 48 leisure activities centres; 1 youth care home, 1 children at risk care home, 1 youth summer camp; 1 team for drugs and sexuality prevention and cross-curricular enrichment activities, involving, overall near 10.000 people each year.

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A Cáritas Portuguesa é um serviço da Conferência Episcopal Portuguesa. É membro da Cáritas Internationalis, da Cáritas Europa, da Confederação Nacional das Instituições de Solidariedade, da Confederação Portuguesa do Voluntariado, da Plataforma Portuguesa das ONGD e do Fórum Não Governamental para a Inclusão Social.

Cáritas em Portugal


Rua D. Francisco de Almeida, n 14
3030-382 Coimbra, Portugal

239 792 430 (Sede) – Chamada para rede fixa nacional

966 825 595 (Sede) – Chamada para rede móvel nacional

239 792 440 (Clínica) – Chamada para rede fixa nacional

NIF: 501 082 174



Comunicação Institucional