
Cáritas Coimbra vai discutir políticas para o envelhecimento em Valência, Espanha | 7-8 junho A Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra irá participar na Conferência Transferir políticas públicas da União Europeia para inovação social regional: melhorar o envelhecimento ativo e saudável para uma sociedade melhor.

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Cáritas de Coimbra confronta isolamento e tecnologias em Hasselt | Bélgica A Cáritas de Coimbra participou como palestrante na Conferência European Summit presented by Aging2.0 and Happy Aging, no painel Social Inclusion: Connecting People Through Technology. O evento decorreu no dia 24 de maio, na Universidade de Hasselt, na Bélgica.

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Cáritas de Coimbra recebeu RTP1 para reportagem sobre o GrowMeUp Isabel Neto já considera o robô uma companhia e, para António Antunes, os diálogos com o robô fazem já parte da sua rotina. A Cáritas de Coimbra recebeu, no dia 24 de maio, uma equipa da RTP para realizar uma reportagem no âmbito do projeto […]

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Caritas de Coimbra received RTP for report on GrowMeUp Isabel Neto already considers the robot a company and, for António Antunes, the dialogues with the robot are already part of its routine. On May 24, Caritas Coimbra received an RTP television team to carry out a report on the GrowMeUp project, which brought together users, […]

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Caritas of Coimbra confronts isolation and technologies in Hasselt | Belgium Caritas Coimbra participated as a speaker at the European Summit presented by Aging2.0 and Happy Aging on the Social Inclusion: Connecting People Through Technology panel. The event was held on May 24 at the University of Hasselt in Belgium. The panel addressed issues such […]

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Caritas Coimbra will be present at Aging2.0 and Happy Aging European Summit Caritas Diocesana de Coimbra will participate as a speaker at the European Summit presented by Aging2.0 e Happy Aging, in the Social Inclusion: Connecting People Through Technology panel. The event will take place on May 24 at the University of Hasselt, Belgium. This […]

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Caritas Coimbra Projects at the European Social Network Forum | Brussels Projects such as IdoVis, GrowMeUp and Crearte were shared as examples of Social Innovation at the European Social Network Forum (ESN), which took place on 20 and 21 April in Brussels. Inserted in the panel dedicated to Social Innovation and Financing, Carina Dantas, Director […]

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Cáritas de Coimbra received students from Instituto Superior Miguel Torga Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra has been hosting internships in the Social Work course of Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, giving students the opportunity to get to know our Day Care Center, the Elderly Home and Home Care Services. In this context, innovative projects were also disseminated, […]

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Euronews reports on GrowMeUp in Cáritas Coimbra “I”Isabel Neto is 79 years old and has a new home companion: a robot from the GrowMeUp project, created to help improve the quality of life for the older persons who live alone. Futuris went to Coimbra to meet him. The idea is not to replace the services […]

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Caritas Coimbra attended WorldCist’17 Between April 11 and 13, 2017, Caritas de Coimbra participated in the 5th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies – WorldCist17, held in Porto Santo. In this conference the authors of the specialty were invited to present their work in several areas: A) Information and Knowledge Management; B) Organizational Models […]

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Caritas Coimbra discusses strategies in Brussels | European Covenant on Demographic Change Caritas Coimbra was present for 2 days in Brussels in the Committee of the Regions for the Conference “How to improve the quality of life and services for the ageing of the population?” and in the General Assembly of the European Covenant on […]

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Sarau Teatral promove Projeto Sementes do Saber Este ano, com o intuito de divulgar o Sementes do Saber, a Cáritas de Coimbra, em articulação com o grupo de teatro o Celeiro, vai promover um Sarau Teatral no próximo dia 9 de junho pelas 21h30, no Celeiro dos Duques de Aveiro na Vila de Pereira.

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A Cáritas Portuguesa é um serviço da Conferência Episcopal Portuguesa. É membro da Cáritas Internationalis, da Cáritas Europa, da Confederação Nacional das Instituições de Solidariedade, da Confederação Portuguesa do Voluntariado, da Plataforma Portuguesa das ONGD e do Fórum Não Governamental para a Inclusão Social.

Cáritas em Portugal


Rua D. Francisco de Almeida, n 14
3030-382 Coimbra, Portugal

239 792 430 (Sede) – Chamada para rede fixa nacional

966 825 595 (Sede) – Chamada para rede móvel nacional

239 792 440 (Clínica) – Chamada para rede fixa nacional

NIF: 501 082 174



Comunicação Institucional