
Cáritas Coimbra presents Neighbourhoods of the Future in Brussels

Cáritas Coimbra presents Neighbourhoods of the Future in Brussels

Cáritas Coimbra presented thoughts and ideas at the International Conference Neighbourhoods of the Future – Informing the creation of a European Reference Framework for Age-friendly Housing, that took place on the 8th December, in Brussels.

Carina Dantas, Innovation Director at Cáritas Coimbra presented the guidelines of a perfect Coimbra in the future, in the panel “What an ideal Neighborhood of the Future looks like in Coimbra 2026-2030”. For this panel, Cáritas had launched a call for expression of ideas throughout its network and included many of the ideas received in a small video that was presented and commented by all the participants.

At the same Conference, Carina Dantas was one of the institutional guests for the discussion panel “Building the Roadmap for a European Reference Model for Age-friendly Homes”, which aimed at planning the future, joining the vision of leading organizations that can inspire others and help to set the way forward – panelists included the Deputy Director of the DG Connect Unit (European Commission), the Director of AAL Program, the Director of Microsoft Innovation Center, and others.

Caritas de Coimbra showed its willingness to participate in the construction of this roadmap in 2017, particularly enhancing the need to involve people and communities in the choice and implementation of these solutions – co-creation. A video report was made with statements from some of the speakers, which will be released in 2017.

This Conference was one of the side events of the European Summit on Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing: Transforming the future of Health and Care in Europe, that was produced by the Agile Ageing Alliance (AAA) as part of Neighbourhoods of the Future, a European Commission outreach programme which has been taking soundings from world capitals to city halls and rural communities across Europe, exploring new paradigms for active and healthy ageing.
It aims at facilitating knowledge sharing and accelerating development of the most exciting demand-led product and service solutions that promote greater choice and flexibility of care in our age-inclusive homes and communities. The event highlighted some of the freshest, most visionary thinking and concepts, considering the European dimension and agreeing upon a roadmap towards a Reference Framework for Age-Friendly Housing.


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A Cáritas Portuguesa é um serviço da Conferência Episcopal Portuguesa. É membro da Cáritas Internationalis, da Cáritas Europa, da Confederação Nacional das Instituições de Solidariedade, da Confederação Portuguesa do Voluntariado, da Plataforma Portuguesa das ONGD e do Fórum Não Governamental para a Inclusão Social.

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